Compiling Lynx

Lynx is a text based web browser. The project began in 1992 and is still in active development. Lynx remains relevant since it still provides value for many situations. For example, it is great for visually impaired users because everything is text-based making it easy to navigate the web using screen reading technology.

Some feature Lynx support are: SSL, HTTP cookies, browsing history and page caching. However, it does not support Javascript or Adobe flash. Their README has sections to help trouble shoot compiling issues on different ports. They list a bunch of UNIX flavours known to work but they did not mention Mac OSx - but it works.

Here are the steps to compile Lynx for Mac OSx 10.10.1 (Yosmite):

tar -zxvf ./lynx2-8-8.tar.gz
make install

After compiling you should see something similar to this

Lynx compiled

Type the program name lynx and provide a website as a parameter


Lynx browser